Left this morning at 6 thinking we could beat the heat and ride till around 2:30. By 12:30 it was 108 degrees, with an expected high of 112 degrees so we called it quits and got a hotel room and crashed. We are currently in Needles, Ca, just east of the Mojave Desert. We plan to leave in the morning around 3 a.m. and see how far we can get before the heat zaps our energy.
When you leave Wilmington, NC and get on I40 there is a sign that says "Barstow, CA 2554 miles", well today we saw the sign in Barstow that says "Wilmington, NC, 2554". That was pretty cool. Historic Route 66 parallels I40, but so far we have just stayed on 40 to make as many miles each day possible in this heat.
East bound and down, loaded up and truckin'
a'we gonna do what they say can't be done
We've got a long why to go and a short time to get there
I'm east bound just watch ol'Bandit run
Jerry Reed - Smokey and the Bandit
"Keep your foot hard on the pedal. Ya'll, never mind them brakes.
ReplyDeleteLet it all hang out 'cause ya'll got a run to make.
The boys & girls are thirsty at Cuz's and there's cold beer in North Carolina.
So ya'll bring it back no matter what it takes."
B's rendition of Jerry Reed's second verse on Eastbound and Down (Smokey and The Bandit) - bring it on home!!!